
Trinity Continuum: Aether Tabletop Roleplaying Game

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Sneak Peek: Squires, Gogs, and Magogs
over 2 years ago – Sun, Jul 24, 2022 at 09:36:18 AM

Hello Aethernauts,

A sneak peek for you on this Sunday! We'll have the full chapter available for backers on Tuesday, but to whet our appetites, let's take a peek at Chapter 3 a few days early...

Squires, Gogs, and Magogs

The discovery of Aether gave much of the scientific world pause, but its revelations haven’t stopped the world from turning. After all, the “unenlightened masses” — as some Aethernauts dub them — are barely aware there’s power untold just out of their reach.

Recent years formed steps upon which pioneers, adventurers, scientists, and the just plan monstrous have established a new chapter in history; one accommodating the century’s end and the new century’s birth. Squires, Gogs, and Magogs share similar stories in their genesis, but each walks a different path. Collectively, they are referred to as Aethernauts, but most prefer to use their respective group’s identifier.

This chapter outlines the origins of each group and lays out how they might fit into your stories, as player and Storyguide characters. Their placement in the world isn’t set in stone, but their actions contribute to an ever-expanding pattern or Aether use, misuse, disaster, recovery, and hypothesis. Your characters may draw from some, or all the events that contributed to the world of 1895.

The Noble (and Ignoble) Squires of Aether

It was from these budding detectives, explorers, treasure hunters, and adventurers that many Aethernauts became Squires. Considering themselves students in the study of Aether, and taking their name from a title used within the Esoteric Order of the Æons, Squires take advantage of the promise, or the risk, Aether offers in order to fill their lives with excitement and knowledge. Ever a dangerous profession, Squires hurry to etch out legends for themselves in the annals of history. As years pass and Aether spinning proliferates, Squires find their ranks bolstered. Some of the greatest of their numbers have already passed away, such as one whose exploits found an end at the Reichenbach Falls, only to be replaced by those eager to carry on their legacy.

For each Squire drawn to Aether’s dream of fortune or glory, others step forward for duty or to safeguard humanity from the world’s horrors. Scholars reflect upon tales from the past; of the dead being restored to life by long-lost scientific means, or creatures that rose from the grave; with a wary gaze. As the end of the century draws close, rumors of a new century born from those strong enough to grasp Aether’s promise becomes prominent, and secretive societies boom in number and scope, in the hope of favoring their own societal ascension.

Many such societies, each rich with experimenting Squires, strike out to establish themselves. The most famed, and ultimately respected, are the Squires of London, and their societies such as the Esoteric Order and Her Royal Highness’s Planetary Defensive Pact. Those of London earned their reputation for apprehending “dreadfuls;” the commonly-used term for what would later be dubbed “Gogs” and “Magogs.” Although the political class and law enforcement initially treated such groups with skepticism, it was the eventual capture and subsequent arrest of Kelvin Cowan that won such groups their overdue respect from independent Aethernauts. Making use of Aether to supplement his athletic abilities, Cowan revived and adapted the persona of the mythical Spring-Heeled Jack as his own, using it to perform a series of burglaries and murders across South England. The Esoteric Order shut down his operation and delivered him to Scotland Yard’s doorstep.

As a response to the rising governmental interest (and lack of understanding) in Aether, Gabriel Utterson published his memoir under the name Robert Louis Stevenson, telling of his encounter with the English doctor and chemist Henry Jekyll. Jekyll, a dabbler in Aether spinning and briefly a Squire in Tesla’s service, had refined the process of distilling concoctions in a means nobody could ever have dreamed — into a consumable elixir. His work quickly captured the imagination of many budding Squires, and before long Dr. Jekyll’s Explorers of the Unknown found their ranks swelling with those eager to make use of Aether on their own bodies. Edison, adamant that Squires possessed a civic duty to minimize Aetheric harm, worked — in part through altruism, but also through spite and a desire for profit — to amass a network of like-minded Squires across the world. There are many Squires who follow Edison’s Unwinders, as the society came to be known, intent to unwind as much spun Aether damage as they can.

In the wake of Utterson’s publication, which has been heralded as a fiction rather than a biography, more memoirs have emerged. One, penned by Wilhelmina Murray, told of the abduction of her betrothed fiancé by a descendant of the Romanian noble House of Basarab, Vlad Dracula. While exact details remained lost in translation to document, Wilhelmina’s text purported a proliferation of vampires drawn to devouring blood. By performing this act, these drinkers grow capable of prolonged life and other physical feats, which many Aethernauts tie to the Aether each body no doubt possesses. With Utterson’s book being regarded as a cheap but horrifying fiction, Murray (now Harker) was left unsurprised when the public at large devoured her work as bawdy pulp.

Nevertheless, Squires have since converged on central and eastern Europe, where Mina’s beasts are most common. Although Harker has since rescued her fiancé from the clutches of this one sanguinovore, the experience left its mark on her, and along with like-minded Squires funded the creation of S.O.M. — the Society for the Opposition of Monsters. To this night, she continues her crusade against these particular “Magogs,” a term used for humans irredeemably corrupted by Aether.

Chivalric Personages

A Squire may be:

  • A budding explorer of the Os Viajantes, carving your way through the wilderness both physical and within your own consciousness, dedicated to reaching the inner secrets of the past and unearth the greatest treasures that humanity has forgotten.
  • An eager judge of the S.O.M, burning with vengeance against the Magogs that threaten to harm you and your loved ones, armed with the mightiest Aether-infused weaponry, and fueled by dedication to bringing vengeance on the Immortals that stalk the night.
  • A dashing thief dedicated to the Chevaliers d’If, making use of various newly crafted Aetheric tools to commit daring burglaries, earnestly trying to bring Aether out of the clutches of the rich and deliver such life-changing relics to the poorest in society.

The Shifting Form of Gogs

For all the diverse capabilities Aether bestows, risk persists. Few are brave, or reckless, enough to offer themselves as test subjects for experimentation. Of the few who do, exceptional powers await. But so too does great risk. Those who take the gamble are colloquially called Gogs and Magogs, seen as the natural progression of experimentation in Aether, sometimes for better, more often for worse.

The genesis of Gogs is tightly bound to that of Squires, emerging soon after Tesla’s discoveries first became public knowledge. Gogs begin as Squires, approaching Aetheric manipulation with an excitement and academic interest. Few, however, risk the steps that follow; bringing the Aether into themselves, altering their nature in ways that appear supernatural.

The first known Gog to emerge in Aethernaut society is not Henry Jekyll, as commonly believed, but Dr. Claude Griffin, an English chemist who built on Tesla’s acceleration engine to create a means to distill Aether into a topical salve. Griffin’s ointment altered the molecules of his body causing him to appear translucent. Taking advantage of this freedom, Griffin engaged in a series of violent assaults across London, revenging himself upon many who had slighted him in the past, until he was apprehended by Squires working with local law enforcement. Aethernauts interrogated him, for no-one had agreed on how to handle the arrest or incarceration of someone clearly Aether-altered. Handing him over would breach the veil of secrecy so important among Aether’s researchers and practitioners.

Griffin explained that years prior he had been contacted by an individual identifying herself only as “Awan, daughter of Adam, son of Victor.” Reportedly, Awan aided Griffin in researching alternative means to spin Aether in ways similar to Tesla, explaining her own grandfather had developed means to harness Aether from electricity. When Griffin demanded Awan provide proof of her grandfather’s work, Awan only pointed to herself, claiming her life was the result of Victor and Adam’s experiments. It took Squires only a short period of time to conjecture Awan’s identity; initially Tesla was reticent to accept the possibility bore any weight, claiming no amount of research he’d performed indicated dead tissue could be returned to life. It was only after Edison confronted Tesla with notes stolen from his burned laboratory that Nikola confessed such was indeed a strong theoretical possibility.

The ultimate fate of Griffin, however, remains unknown. Shortly after giving his confession, he escaped his bonds. Despite a citywide search, Griffin remains at large to this day. Although it’s widely believed that he operated with the Explorers of the Unknown, it’s just as likely that his freedom had nothing at all to do with the society and he found a way of mastering Aether to allow his invisibility to phase in and out at will. Following Griffin’s escape, numerous Aethernauts have reported individuals across the country exhibiting similar physical capabilities. Some allege that Griffin traded his secrets of Aether distillation to unknown parties in exchange for his freedom, although little investigation has borne fruit.

Transcending Lawful Strictures

A spate of robberies occurred around the world, reportedly the work of perpetrators able to walk unhindered through brick walls, or who flee through the streets faster than the eye could see. Uncertain how to handle this rise, many governments have hired freelance detectives; some of whom are earnest Squires. One of the more eminent sleuths, Irene Adler, raised the possibility that Griffin’s formula was distributed across multiple criminal networks intentionally, going as far as to indicate the doctor’s liberation was orchestrated by a high-ranking government official. For a while, it appeared Adler was prepared to label the Caesar Consortium as the party responsible. Before she could make such allegations and drag the secret society into the light of day, Adler quietly retreated from the public eye. The circumstances behind why one of England’s most famous private detectives would so abruptly cease investigation remains unknown.

The successful capture of Cowan, colloquially named Spring-Heeled Jack, drew renewed attention to those who imbue their bodies with this mystical chemistry. Some, including Edison, have voiced concern that those who apprehended him (who had supplemented their bodies in the same way) risk becoming indistinguishable from the “dreadfuls of London and New York.” This observation grows in popularity at the revelatory publication of Dr. Jekyll, once an esteemed Squire.

Jekyll’s work, suspected as having been built on Griffin’s, inspired great debate among the Squire community and ultimately led to a schism. Jekyll retains his mental acuity and sensibilities, speaking eloquently on Aether’s potential uses. However, his Hyde persona, more brutish and feral, served to undermine much of the points Jekyll raised. The duality was soon grasped upon by Squires critical to Jekyll’s ideas. Dubbed an “Aether-drinker” by his detractors, Hyde has been held up as an example of an individual becoming physically corrupted by Aetheric energies, to the point of being considered monstrous. Shortly after his notoriety reached the international press, Jekyll abandoned the Squire epithet and embraced his being something other.

Transmuted Beings

A Gog may be:

  • A respected crime-fighting masked hero, working with a team of trusty allies and using your phenomenal powers to solve impossible crimes and apprehend the perpetrators, whether they are committed by regular people, nefarious Squires or even fellow Gogs or Magogs.
  • A cunning weapons dealer, smuggling potent weaponry in and out of regions of Asia and using the underworld contacts to aid local insurrectionists, contributing to the war effort to rid the area’s inhabitants from the shackles of imperialist control.
  • A wilderness explorer who makes use of Aether to increase your physical endurance, relentlessly charting inhospitable climates such as the frozen arctic wastes or the sweltering jungle heat, desperate to disprove the existence of the theory of the hollow Earth.

Harrowing and Vile Magogs

The case study presented by non-monstrous Magogs like Dorian Gray shows the worst of humanity. An unrepentant monster perfected in appearance and strength, kept alive by transference of the Aether within the bodies of his countless victims into his portrait over the years. The mechanism by which his soul was bound to such an object is a mystery. The infamous Blood Countess Elizabeth Báthory was notorious for her abject cruelty toward the maidens she tortured and butchered in her kingdom for the sake of her vanity. She maintained her unearthly beauty and immortality via direct absorption of the essence of her victims through bathing in their blood. Sadly, the rumors of her continued imprisonment in her tower bed chamber are just that, as the Blood Countess roams the world free to prolong her horrid life. More insidious reports of Magogs suspected to be associated with Dracula’s Immortals describe people fading away into nothing in their sleep as they are set upon by the incubus and succubus like the Chinese jiangshi that drink the qi, the soul of their victims, with a kiss. No matter the forms of these creatures, they share the same traits of consumption of their victims to sustain their monstrous powers.

The Greeks record some of the earliest accounts of the shape-shifting Magogs in their oral tradition and on their vases with multiple stories of transformation of man, god, and spirit for mischievous and nefarious ends. The more sinister tales in written history can be found in France. Marie de France in 1200 described a man cursed with transformation into a wolf, forced to sate his hunger with human flesh as a garwulf, a werewolf. The man was one of many in the area capable of taking on the form of a wolf without the aid of a wolf skin or the light of the full moon. Once he took his wolf form, he was faster and larger than any natural wolf with a demonic aura. Another accounting with more conflicting reporting is the rampage of the Beast of Gévaudan in the 1700s.

Shepherds and young boys were mauled by a monstrous creature with a significant stride that locals reported as a giant wolf. But other theories presented that it was not a wolf, but a lion set upon the people of Gévaudan. King Louis XV sent a squad of dragoons that laid waste to the local wolf population, but the deaths continued. It was not until a naturalist and hunter named Jean Chastel killed a strange man of abnormal height in a moment of peculiar transformation on the slopes of Mount Mouchel that the months of terror ended.

It was even more horrific when these murderous tales of yesteryear came to a terrible reality when police caught the Werewolf of Allariz in 1852. The bodies of the werewolf’s victims were all in a state of molestation; their clothing ripped to shreds by animal claws, with their bodies mutilated with chunks of flesh missing. The hunt for the killer took years before Squires found a lead on a traveling salesperson named Manuel Blanco Romasanta, 30 full years later. On the night in question, these Aethernauts witnessed Romasanta in a state of transformation, his muscles bulging and his form contorting like his bones were twisting in on themselves as he ravaged his last victim. Romasanta was observed tearing flesh from his victim’s body with an elongated muzzle between a man and wolf. Frozen by fear, it took the spell to be broken by one Squire by taking a shot for others to follow suit, taking down Romasanta before he could attack another woman. The Allariz newspapers blandly reported the trial, absent all the truth of what witnesses saw that day as written in an account by Dr. Luciano de Gros.

Utterly Monstrous

Unlike Squires and Gogs, the majority of Magogs have voluntarily divested themselves of humanity to embrace the promise of unmatched power. A story in which Magogs are the protagonists is possible, and encouraged, though we recommend keeping the following advice in mind:

  • Monsters are universal and can be representative to any culture. If you don’t want to play a typical media depiction of a vampire, perhaps you could play a Tamil Peymakilir or perhaps the more horrifying misshapen Adze from Southern Togo or perhaps one of the psychic Bebarlang of the Philippines. A little bit of research in mythology and folklore will provide inspiration for unique beings to grace your table.
  • Sometimes you just need a break from saving the world. Playing a Magog presents a change of pace to explore another aspect of Aether that you might be otherwise too worried about touching because you don’t want your Squire to be a “bad guy.”
  • Roleplaying the consequences of power as a character progresses from a Squire, to a Gog, to a Magog, can be an intriguing long running storyline that deviates from the expectations of what is typical. Portraying a character’s fall can be just as impactful as playing their redemption.

These are just snippets - pieces of a manuscript, parts of a much larger whole. Hints about what the full chapter may contain will be addressed on Tuesday, when it will be available for backers to download and review - along with Chapter 4, which covers Character Creation.

So: first opinions? What are you looking forward to finding out about? What are you areas are you hoping the manuscript provides more context to? See you on Tuesday!


Aether Serial Fiction I and II
over 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 23, 2022 at 07:02:55 AM

Trinity Continuum: Aether Serial Part I and II, by Matthew Dawkins


I was there when the first attackers landed on our planet. I watched the plumes of green light flashing through the night’s sky and with my friend Ogilvy, an astronomer, we even followed one to Horsell Common, where it had landed. I say “landed.” Truly, it had embedded itself in the earth, billowing hot steam and foul smoke as we and others approached to survey that dreadful cylinder unscrew, allowing its foul contents to spill forth…

But the story I am here to tell you is not mine. There are others around the world, whose tales I’ve acquired, verified, and where necessary, added literary flair to fill in the blanks. These individuals with their special gifts — these “Aethernauts” — were the first line of defense as our world came under attack. But they were many and they were varied, and their causes were not to all align. Some took advantage of the chaos of war, others used it as a reason to research their strange science, and others still made the ultimate sacrifice to protect their loved ones and their home planet. Most recorded their accounts in written form, some of which ended up damaged or incomplete, but I have taken efforts to conclude.

These are their tales, illustrated by artists I hold in great esteem: the sublime Warwick Goble, Charles Raymond Macauley, and Henrique Alvin Corrêa. Their art, I hope, shows that our world changed due to the discovery of Aether, but how it was the invasion that sent it spinning off its axis.

— H.G. Wells

Studying the Stars, illustration by Warwick Goble

Who among us could have believed Aether spinning would lead to such catastrophe? There were some, it is true, who made plain their fears of what Aether might spawn or attract. But most of us were so drawn to the possibilities Aether promised and the wonders at our fingertips that we ignored or even decried and shamed naysayers for their views.

One such man was the great scientist Nikola Tesla.

In the early days, Tesla was at the forefront of Western Aether experimentation. His labs and his students were among the most adventurous, bold, and ultimately, prestigious Aethernauts. They were the first to experiment not only on objects, measurable forces, and elements, but on space, on the body, and on time. It was Tesla who built the first Aether Gate, so far as we know. It was through such a portal we originally made our way to Mars.

Richard and I were always novices compared to Tesla, Edison, Jekyll, and Lidenbrock. We studied Aether, made good use of it, and felt we were building a brave new world with our plans and actions. However, we didn’t understand the risks.

Tesla did, but much too late to stop the tide.

Richard and I were at our own laboratory. Max was fast asleep in his cot while we spent the night feverishly pushing the limits of what Aether could do. I think on some level we looked at the Gogs and Magogs who altered the fundaments of self and space and felt lowly in comparison. It was during one of these frenetic sessions that our assistant J——— rushed to our door, hammered on it (waking Max), and implored us to climb onto our rooftop. Apparently, there was something taking place in the sky.

A late night visitor, illustration by Warwick Goble

What could it have been? We’d already seen so many miracles with Aether as their cause. Was this the birth of a flying man, perhaps, or one of those fantastic dirigibles in Edison’s arsenal? Richard took care of the boy while I scaled a ladder with J———, just in time to witness a bright jet of vivid green whiz by my chimney. I swear I felt the ozone prickle my skin, forcing my hair to stand on end. I would have fallen if J——— had not caught me.

They explained that these comets or falling stars had been descending for hours, that some astronomers among our societies had caught sight of them in nights before but that the news had been suppressed. I immediately suspected Edison again, ever the conservative, ever the controller. If he didn’t know, he damn sure wasn’t going to let anyone else beat him to the discovery.

Taking my pocket telescope from my bag, I watched where these green rockets were coming from, tracing their trajectory and course from space to the earth. Some were distant — maybe landing in foreign countries, even — others were far closer. But one thing was for sure, and this was what left my mouth dry: They hailed from Mars.

We had visited Mars on more than one occasion via Tesla’s Aether Gate. Once the power to travel great distances in a flash was at our disposal, it made sense to visit our brother planet. The God of War beckoned, his deep red hue a siren call to Aethernauts such as Richard and I. But when we reached that far-off world, we found it abandoned. There were the telltale signs of long-ago habitation — the kind of thing to put Richard’s antiquarian mind on an excited tilt — but nothing lived on its surface, at least so far as we explored.

Tesla, though… He was sure something was there, aware of our tentative steps, watching us, examining our use of Aether, waiting for us to leave before making the next move.

And perhaps now, here it was, answering our visit with its own.

From my rooftop I looked across the London cityscape, gas lamps helping me orient my sight through the gloom. I stopped as I came to realize one of the Martian devices had crash landed into the steepled roof of a familiar house six streets away from my own. The owner of that house? One Nikola Tesla.

Falling Star, illustration by Henrique Alvim Corrêa

Surely, of all the buildings in London, it could not be coincidence that a visitor from the depths of space would crash into the home of one of the few Aethernauts who’d visited its planet?

I called down to Richard and J———. We had to get to Tesla, and fast.

From The Accounts of Anne Mercer



You were there just as we were. Those strikes across our world: London, Paris, New York, maybe places so far unreported or unrecorded — we do not trust the press nor our fellow Aethernauts to not conceal the facts from us — they took you by surprise, but they really should not have. After we found a way of changing our own body beyond the realm of physical dimensional limits, somehow with it finding a way to return to our original body mass without an excess of stretched skin, broken bones, or loosened ligaments… well.

Let us say we were beyond surprise when the Martians started their attack.

That’s not to say we were not interested. We know others, especially among the Blood of Gog and the so-called “Immortals” who have manipulated, changed, utterly broken what we know of space science. Physics. What is physics to us? A child’s understanding of the way the world works is of no more use to us these days than mustard spread on the chest of a man with tuberculosis. No, we were interested. Intrigued. There had been rumors of Aethernauts encountering alien creatures, some prehistoric (you’ve heard the tale of the hollow world within our own, no?), some from a distant future where humankind rides metal carriages into the sky, but our Explorers of the Unknown had yet to experience the pleasure.

When news reached our chambers of the New York landings, we were quick to pack our devices and drugs and made haste to the site. We wore a face of civility en route, but panic among the unenlightened was fierce, caused in no small part by Edison’s Unwinders attempting to suppress the imaginations of the ignorant. One of those imbeciles confronted us as we climbed from our carriage and declared our intentions to seize the landing vessel. “Return to your labs, Dr. Jekyll!” the old fool shouted. It was enough to make us reveal our true face to the man, and bring a club down upon his head, neck, and shoulders.

Jekyll / Hyde strikes an Unwinder, by Charles Raymond Macauley

“Unwind those breaks and bruises,” we spat at the coot as he mewled on the stones. We stepped over his shaking body and went to confront the visitors from outer space.

Our enthusiasm made it terribly challenging to keep our other self in check, but we know when to spin and when to withhold. For the time being, we cautiously approached. Some civilians, fellow Aethernauts, even a police officer, we noticed, skulked dangerously close to the glistening cylinder half-buried in the muck of the public waste site. Hardly an auspicious landing place, we thought.

We took this opportunity to hold back. If others were prepared to play the role of sacrificial lamb — and we were sure whatever emerged would be less than civil — why expose ourselves? Explorers of the Unknown we may be, but when test subjects offer themselves to the scientist, we let them take the medicine first. In most cases, anyway.

It would be a lie to deny the thrill of watching that cylinder twist open from the inside out. We both felt it, I’m sure. The anticipation. A little dread. There was hunger there, too. Some of the civilians backed away in fear of what they might see. Was God about to emerge, or one of His servants? Would it have been so farfetched for this to be an angel as described in the Bible, all eyes, hooks, spirals, and gears? “Be not afraid,” it might say, as it strode from its carapace, a hunting monster in a world of sheeplike prey.

We smiled when we saw the truth of it. No marching titan, winged and haloed, was this. It was more aquatic, primordial even, in its appearance. It slithered and slurped, squirming and crawling on pseudopods to pull itself free from its hot metal shell. People screamed and some fell back. Others attempted to flee.

Now, in honesty, we cannot say what made the Martian fire upon us. Perhaps it did not want witnesses to its true form (a feeling we occasionally have cause to empathize with). Maybe the screaming and hollering alarmed it, for it looked so bestial and ancient as to be simple-minded and easily provoked. Regardless of the thing’s nature and what could make it assault a dozen men and women in such a rapid, merciless way, assault them it did. From a weapon that remained unseen but has since been named commonly as a “heat ray,” a beam of intense temperature emerged and vaporized human after human, reducing their bodies to ash so fine it no longer resembled any kind of cadaverous remains.

The Heat Ray, by Henrique Alvim Corrêa

We too were caught in the blast, but naturally (and as mentioned) we anticipated an attack. We had already taken the tonics required to produce Aether within our own inner well, protecting our form and preventing our meeting a fate similar to those around us. By the time the heat ray died down, our clothes had disintegrated — and our other face had emerged, our body braced and altered for war. The intensity of this heat and the capacity for its use struck us immediately. It hadn’t harmed us significantly because we had prepared, but against the simple human form it had proven a more devastating weapon than any bullet or bomb. We were not afraid, but awed.

Had we been of a more political or military mind, we may have sensed this as a moment to capitalize and steal the technology, but we leave such thinking to Her Royal Highness’s Planetary Defensive Pact. As the only living witness to this thing’s arrival, we felt it more prudent to retreat and record our observations than engage in some grapple with the Martian.

Other Aethernauts have since whispered with the temerity to propose we fled out of cowardice or that had we tackled the Martian there and then many lives could have been saved. To that we invite you to make such claims to either of our faces. We always welcome discourse among Dr. Jekyll’s Explorers of the Unknown. You may even leave with your head screwed on facing forward, albeit loose around the spine.

From The Disputed Annals of Dr. Henry Jekyll


Originally published on the Onyx Path website. Tune in next Saturday for Part III and IV.

BACKERS ONLY – Manuscript Preview #2
over 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 22, 2022 at 03:42:05 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

over 2 years ago – Thu, Jul 21, 2022 at 07:38:13 AM

Hello Aethernauts!

I've got two podcasts to share with you today. First up, the OpCast continues to wrap their arms around the Trinity Continuum and discusses our current campaign for Trinity Continuum: Aether. To really get into all the nitty gritty of the setting and this book, they bring in Aether developer Matthew Dawkins!

Do you know about Aether? No... no, I don't think you do. Do you want to know what a Gog is? What a Magog is? Do you want to step into the Victorian era and come out... changed? Check out this awesome interview about Trinity Continuum: Aether!

Click here to listen to the OpCast interview Matthew Dawkins!

And follow that interview up with a quick listen tot he Trinity Continuum Airwaves podcast, where Corey and Jim talk about their recent exploration of the Trinity Continuum and their thoughts on the Trinity Continuum: Aether kickstarter campaign so far.

Click here to listen to Trinity Continuum Airwaves episode on the Aether kickstarter

Week One Continues...

We've had a great first few days, but there's still so much more to come this first week! Tomorrow, we'll have the second chapter from the draft manuscript available for backers to download, covering the various Societies (and counter-Societies) from this Victorian Age. On Saturday, I'm going to share the first two sections of the serial Aether fiction that they've been posting weekly on the Onyx Path website. If you haven't read it already, it's really great and I'm excited to bring it over. And then on Sunday, we'll have a sneak peek at Chapter 3 and 4. Maybe we'll learn a bit more about Squires, Gogs, and Magogs? We'll see in three or say days!

Aether stains are dryclean only

So, let's keep up the enthusiasm and excitement and see if we can't unlock another Stretch Goal or two before we start Week 2!



An Aether-powered Stretch Goal Machine
over 2 years ago – Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 07:23:40 AM

Greetings Aethernauts!

We have harnessed the Aetheric power of this campaign and have used it well to unlock the secrets of Stretch Goals!

UNLOCKED! - Ready-Made Characters – An assortment of ready-to-play characters for use in Aether will be released as a PDF supplement, providing examples and allowing players to jump right into the action! The Ready-Made Characters PDF will be added to the rewards list of all Kickstarter backers receiving the Trinity Continuum: Aether PDF.

I think we can push this new science further, however! Let's see if we can't use the Aether to transform our reward into something even more grand...

That is to say: we've unlocked another Stretch Goal! Let's set up some more goals for our Victorian Era exploration!

At $35,000 in Funding - Aether Jumpstart – An introductory scenario for Trinity Continuum: Aether will be merged with the Ready-Made Characters and a basic rules overview to upgrade it to a full Trinity Continuum: Aether Jumpstart PDF supplement. The Trinity Continuum: Aether Jumpstart will automatically be added to the rewards list of all Kickstarter backers receiving the Trinity Continuum: Aether PDF.

At $40,000 in Funding - The Aethernaut Collection – A small character folio of famous era-appropriate fictional characters (such as Jekyll/Hyde) with appropriate traits, bios, and Aether powers. All Kickstarter backers receiving the Trinity Continuum: Aether PDF as part of their rewards path will automatically have the The Aethernaut Collection Supplement PDF added to their rewards list.

Yes! YES! Let's use this Aether technology to transform our unlocked Stretch Goal into something... greater! A full-fledged jumpstart, expanding on our Ready-Made Characters reward! And then let's detail some of our fellow Aethernauts breaking the bonds of time and space and explore these new facets of humanity! Surely this is a safe path and nothing but potential advances and benefits!

I may already be intoxicated with Aetheric power...

So, some big goals ahead! But we've got almost a month ahead of us, and much more of the manuscript to reveal! Let's continue to work together and reach out to other Trinity Continuum fans to join us in our quest!

Onwards and upwards!
