
Trinity Continuum: Aether Tabletop Roleplaying Game

Created by Onyx Path - Aether

Pledge to help us create a beautiful edition of Trinity Continuum: Aether and deliver it to backers and into stores.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

August '23 Monthly Update
about 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 08:33:00 AM

Hello Aethernauts,

Nothing major to share this month, everything is on schedule and proceeding as planned so far. Before I get into our regular month end update, I just wanted to note an interesting new release in the Trinity Continuum. A VTT jumpstart adventure with some bells and whistles set in the world of Assassins!


Advance version now available on

Now available in advance PDF from DriveThruRPG: Rat in a Burning Cage, a VTT adventure set for Trinity Continuum: Assassins!

Porvenir should be a sanctuary for those who dwell in the Shadow; a place for assassins to hide out, retire, and wile away their autumn years.  This jungle town is far from the utopia it’s purported to be. Someone has crossed a line in Porvenir, and it’s for your assassins to pick up the pieces, even as every member of this Shadow community guns for you.

Rat in a Burning Cage is an introductory scenario for Trinity Continuum: Assassins designed to make its play easy and fun at in-person and virtual tabletops. Trinity Continuum: Assassins uses the Storypath System, provided in the pages of this book!

Rat in a Burning Cage includes:

  • Five playable characters complete with character sheets.
  • A story in three acts, perfect for a virtual tabletop one-shot or convention play.
  • Maps (both gridded and non gridded) and handouts for use in your virtual games.
  • Incidental sounds and music
  • Printable battlemap and handouts.
  • The complete TC Assassins Token set along with the 5 RMCs.
  • All the Masteries, Edges, and Storypath system mechanics you need.

This is something new for the Onyx Path team! More than a jumpstart, more than a PDF, there’s a lot going on here to make your experience as rich as possible. I'm hoping it's successful and we can see something like this for TC: Aether, which would work well with the audiobook!


I'll be including a link back to the draft manuscripts in these updates because it'll be a while before we get our Backer PDF version and in the meantime I'm sure some will misplace any downloaded copies. I'll keep this bit here in future updates until our backer PDFs go out.


The team is finishing up the development of many projects and artists are working on interior illustrations. As soon as I have any to share, I'll preview them here.


If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at


You can read Onyx Path's most recent monthly summary, covering all projects and their status up to that point here: <July 2023 Project Status Summary>

You can find the weekly Monday Meeting blog updates <here>, which note any projects with status changes since the previous Month End summary. The project statuses listed are current as of last Monday, so do check it out each Monday night to see if anything may have progressed!

I will continue to post regular updates every month until the final Stretch Goal reward has gone out.


If you've got questions about the rules or setting, or just want to discuss this game with other fans (as well as the Onyx Path writers and developers!), you can check out these Onyx Path discussion zones:


If you've got a question about your pledge or BackerKit page or any part of the process, you can contact me with any of these methods

  • Via E-Mail: Onyx.Kickstarter [at]
  • Via Kickstarter: Click Richard Thomas under the "Created By" heading on the main page, and then press the "Contact Me" button - the message will come to me!
  • Via BackerKit: Click "Need Help?" from your page, and then fill in the Contact Us form. BackerKit will pass your message along to me.


Launching tomorrow! Click to sign up and get notified when it goes live!

July '23 Update: Countess Carmilla, TC Con Panel, Aegis is Coming!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 10:47:58 AM

Hello Aethernauts,

No big announcements this month, but lots of fun TC items to share! 

First up, I've got another preview from the upcoming Aethernaut Collection! The Aethernaut Collection adapts a variety of characters from 19th-century literature into the world of Trinity Continuum: Aether. Here’s the third and final character we’re previewing: the notorious vampire Carmilla.

Countess Carmilla Karnstein

“My dear, sweet rose. Don’t pay any attention to those frivolous men who don’t understand you. Love only your dear friend, Carmilla, and I’ll shower you with adoration for eternity.”

Countess Mircalla Karnstein was born in 1679 to the noble Karnstein family in Styria, Austria. Back then, she led the life of an aristocratic socialite, unwilling to allow herself to be married off to a man. Her fame drew suitors from Europe and beyond. When she caught the attention of Dracula himself and refused his courtship, he turned her into a vampire out of spite. Carmilla embraced her newfound state of being with delighted enthusiasm — certainly more than Dracula expected — but, as time passed, she witnessed her surviving family fall into ruin. With her family dead and her ancestral home crumbling, her coffin was moved below the old Karnstein chapel by a smitten Styrian nobleman.

In her unlife, Carmilla’s free to indulge in her preference for female companionship. She seeks out beautiful young women to befriend, sustaining her existence on stolen blood until she decides to drain them completely. The beautiful charmer favors making aristocratic women her companions, often sharing her gift of immortality to keep them with her for as long as possible. Carmilla speculates that her rejection of Dracula shaped her curse in a different direction, but she still shares some of the count’s powers and weaknesses: she can take the shape of living shadow, mist, and a large black cat, but she can’t use her gifts in daylight and always feels lethargic until dusk, often opting to rest in a coffin with dirt from her grave until the sun sets.

Carmilla doesn’t care for meddling in the political affairs of her country, opting to frequent social events to soothe her boredom. Using a lazy anagram of her real name to navigate aristocratic circles and deceive her victims amuses her to no end. Engaging in gossip about the up-and-comers and verbally sparring with the aristocracy proves far more interesting to her than whatever Vlad and his court of Immortals are doing. Carmilla frequently rejects visitors sent on behalf of Countess Báthory, preferring to engage with younger and more interesting mortals. Despite being amiable, Carmilla reveals herself to be quite dangerous to those that dare scorn her affections or disrespect her.

  • Aethernaut Tier: Magog
  • Primary Pool: 9 (Socializing, Manipulating, Reading people)
  • Secondary Pool: 7 (Politicking, Dancing)
  • Desperation Pool: 5
  • Enhancement: +4 (Socializing, Manipulating, Reading People)
  • Defense: 4
  • Health: 6
  • Initiative: 4
  • Edges: Aura of Innocence •, Nobility •, Striking ••, Verbal Sparring •••
  • Inspiration: 4
  • Gifts: Eschew Mortality (Feeding Requirement, Slumber, Weakness), Horrific Mien, Invisibility, Love Me and Despair, Never a Stranger, Paragon (Manipulation 2, Stamina 1), Rapidity of Flesh, Transformation (Cat, Mist, Shadow)
  • Scale: Durability 2, Leadership 3
  • Deviations: Feeding Requirements 1 (Blood), Conditional 1 (Transformation, only at night), Infectious 1, Slumber 2 (Sleep in her coffin), Vulnerability 1 (Sunlight), Weakness 2 (Stake through the heart)


I'll be including a link back to the draft manuscripts in these updates because it'll be a while before we get our Backer PDF version and in the meantime I'm sure some will misplace any downloaded copies. I'll keep this bit here in future updates until our backer PDFs go out.

Convention Panel

Next up, the Trinity Continuum panel from this year's Onyx Path Con!  This panel is all about the Trinity Continuum featuring Danielle Lauzon, Ian A. A. Watson, Sean Creef, and Steve Tasker!

Trinity Continuum: Aegis

Launching in Minutes! Join now!

Trinity Continuum: Aegis is a game of epic adventure and exploration set during Greece’s Iron Age. The setting features figures and events from history and mythology, viewed through the lens of the Trinity Continuum. In this game you’ll play Champions, Oracles, and Olympians — characters who have come into contact with the mysterious substance called ambrosia and been transformed into Inspired individuals with powers similar to Talents, Psiads, and Novas millennia ahead of their counterparts’ times.

These characters live in an age of wonder and discovery. People in the ancient world made amazing strides in science, exploration, and philosophy, all while grappling (sometimes literally!) with gods and monsters. About a decade ago, bright streaks flashed across the sky and a fiery object crashed into Mount Olympus. Other pieces landed throughout the world, creating heroes and horrors wherever they touched down.

Trinity Continuum: Aegis continues to explore the Trinity Continuum’s themes of hope, sacrifice, and unity — in an age where societies are in decline and survival sometimes feels uncertain, these are the tenets under which people band together.

Epic Adventure. This is a game about big, sweeping actions and over-the-top stories. Monsters are real and roam the world. Some are strange creatures, others are human. The characters face these things head on, using their wits, strength, and daring to forge stories that will echo through the ages.

Exploration and Discovery; Curiosity and Wonder. The world is huge, and much of it is uncharted. Characters who set sail run the risk of being blown off course in a storm and washing up on an island where a sorceress makes her home. That old cave no one ever ventures too far into holds a monster’s lair or the door to an Underworld. The cautious and the fearful stay far away; a Champion checks her map, lights her torch, and ventures within. She wants to know: What’s at the center of the labyrinth? Can you reason with Medusa? What’s the view like from atop Olympus?

Recognizing Your Potential. So, what makes a hero, exactly? Is it strength, cleverness, doing the right thing when the odds are against you? What are you capable of when you’re sure you’ve given it all you’ve got? What heights can you reach, that you didn’t know were within your grasp? Aegis encourages players to explore the answers.

Join us on Crowdfunding by BackerKit now! We're just about to launch and will be sharing the draft manuscript over the course of the campaign! Check it out!



If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at


You can read Onyx Path's most recent monthly summary, covering all projects and their status up to that point here: <June 2023 Project Status Summary>

You can find the weekly Monday Meeting blog updates <here>, which note any projects with status changes since the previous Month End summary. The project statuses listed are current as of last Monday, so do check it out each Monday night to see if anything may have progressed!

I will continue to post regular updates every month until the final Stretch Goal reward has gone out.


If you've got questions about the rules or setting, or just want to discuss this game with other fans (as well as the Onyx Path writers and developers!), you can check out these Onyx Path discussion zones:


If you've got a question about your pledge or BackerKit page or any part of the process, you can contact me with any of these methods

  • Via E-Mail: Onyx.Kickstarter [at]
  • Via Kickstarter: Click Richard Thomas under the "Created By" heading on the main page, and then press the "Contact Me" button - the message will come to me!
  • Via BackerKit: Click "Need Help?" from your page, and then fill in the Contact Us form. BackerKit will pass your message along to me.

June '23: Captain Nemo Preview, Monthly Check In
over 1 year ago – Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 06:28:29 AM

Hello Aethernauts,

We're in the final days of June, so it's time for an update across the Trinity Continuum! Before we get into our regular month end check in, I've got a small preview from one of our Stretch Goal supplements currently in progress, the Aethernaut Collection. Let's get a peek at the in-progress write up for Captain Nemo!

The Aethernaut Collection adapts a variety of characters from 19th-century literature into the world of Trinity Continuum: Aether. Here’s the first such character: Captain Nemo from Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.

Captain Nemo

“What lesser minds think of me is irrelevant. I’m Nemo and answer to nobody but myself.”

Churning through the oceans like a god from within his technological wonder, the Nautilus, Captain Nemo is a genius of dark moods and contradictions. One moment, Nemo devotes himself to humanity’s benefit with all his determination, only to withdraw in frustration when the people around him fail to comprehend his brilliance and principles. Staunchly anti-imperialist, Nemo boldly risks his life for the oppressed and yet, upon the mysterious island he calls home and on his ship, he brooks no dissent against his rule.

Nemo describes himself as a nobody, a shadow without a past, but in a previous life he was born Prince Dakkar of Bundelkhand. After the British brutally suppressed his people in 1857, he fled — leaving his home, family, and name behind. The young man found succor and a new identity among Bornean pirates. Under Captain Sandokan’s command, he raided countless ships and expeditions, using looted European gold to finance the construction of a sub-oceanic vessel he personally designed. When at last the Nautilus was ready, the former prince bid the surface world farewell, to slide beneath the waves as Captain Nemo.

The magnificent Nautilus sank imperial warships and merchant traders alike for years, magnifying Nemo’s plundered riches even as European powers sought the sea monster disrupting their colonial wealth. Nemo explored the oceans’ depths between attacks, discovering entrancing sea grottos, his own island hideaway, and even wondrous Atlantis.

Nemo’s tropical island, reachable by happenstance or Aether Gates, serves well both as base and paradisiacal prison for captives. It was here that Nemo met and fell in love with Anielka, a Polish refugee he’d rescued from the Black Sea. Some years later Anielka had their child, Robur. Though immensely proud of his son, the sea’s call never abandoned Nemo, and he regularly left Anielka to raise Robur among the island’s other inhabitants for months — or years — at a time. When Nemo learned a violent storm killed Anielka while he was away, he grew distraught. In his bitterness, he blamed his then-teenage son for not saving her and returned to the Nautilus in silent, wrathful, grief.

Since the Martian invasion, Nemo found himself in the unusual position of assisting European imperialists against the conquering forces from beyond the stars, well aware the Martians embrace their role of technologically superior invaders and scourge of the weak Nemo despises with all his being. His aid has turned the red tide of war many times, although it still infuriates him that his ungrateful allies have dubbed the Martian sea vessels after his own. Today, though few call him friend, Nemo remains a willing — if proud and dangerous — ally of the surface world, but the wise know better than to test his patience or betray him; while the war against Martians might eventually end, Nemo knows no peace nor allegiance.

  • Aethernaut Tier: Squire
  • Primary Pool: 9 (Commanding Presence, Technological Brilliance)
  • Secondary Pool: 7 (Experienced Fighter, Cunning Navigator, Knowledgeable Artist)
  • Desperation Pool: 5
  • Enhancement: +4 (Authority, Freedom, Machines)
  • Defense: 4
  • Health: 6
  • Initiative: 7
  • Edges: Artifact •••, Artistic Talent •, Iron Will •••, Loaded, Nobility •, Tough Cookie, Wealth •••••, Wondrous Item (Nautilus)
  • Inspiration: 5
  • Gifts: After-School Special, Don’t Mess With Me, Evil Overlord, Quick Fix, Rosetta Stone, Rousing Speech, Sporting Opponent, Unrelenting


I'll be including a link back to the draft manuscripts in these updates because it'll be a while before we get our Backer PDF version and in the meantime I'm sure some will misplace any downloaded copies. I'll keep this bit here in future updates until our backer PDFs go out.


While the artwork is coming together for our main book, work continues on our supplements generated via Stretch Goal, with the Aethernaut Collection and the Audio drama moving to post-editing development.


If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at


You can read Onyx Path's most recent monthly summary, covering all projects and their status up to that point here: <May 2023 Project Status Summary>

You can find the weekly Monday Meeting blog updates <here>, which note any projects with status changes since the previous Month End summary. The project statuses listed are current as of last Monday, so do check it out each Monday night to see if anything may have progressed!

I will continue to post regular updates every month until the final Stretch Goal reward has gone out.


If you've got questions about the rules or setting, or just want to discuss this game with other fans (as well as the Onyx Path writers and developers!), you can check out these Onyx Path discussion zones:


If you've got a question about your pledge or BackerKit page or any part of the process, you can contact me with any of these methods

  • Via E-Mail: Onyx.Kickstarter [at]
  • Via Kickstarter: Click Richard Thomas under the "Created By" heading on the main page, and then press the "Contact Me" button - the message will come to me!
  • Via BackerKit: Click "Need Help?" from your page, and then fill in the Contact Us form. BackerKit will pass your message along to me.


Trinity Continuum: Aegis is a game of adventure and exploration set in Greece’s Iron Age. Ten years ago, streaks of fire lit up the skies, setting alight the night. The largest of these crashed into Mount Olympus, and pools of glowing golden liquid appeared in their path. Those who came into contact with the substance were forever changed, and now they use their incredible powers to fight monsters, protect their communities, and explore the world.

Trinity Continuum: Aegis will be Onyx Path's next crowdfunded project, coming soon!

May '23 Monthly Update
over 1 year ago – Tue, May 23, 2023 at 11:31:48 AM

Hello Aethernauts,

It's May 23 '23, and it's become the date for our monthly Trinity Continuum check-ins. No big news this month for Aether, so let's get to our summaries.


I'll be including a link back to the draft manuscripts in these updates because it'll be a while before we get our Backer PDF version and in the meantime I'm sure some will misplace any downloaded copies. I'll keep this bit here in future updates until our backer PDFs go out.


Our Stretch Goals are all coming along, with the audio drama now in Editing.


If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at


You can read Onyx Path's most recent monthly summary, covering all projects and their status up to that point here: <April 2023 Project Status Summary>

You can find the weekly Monday Meeting blog updates <here>, which note any projects with status changes since the previous Month End summary. The project statuses listed are current as of last Monday, so do check it out each Monday night to see if anything may have progressed!

I will continue to post regular updates every month until the final Stretch Goal reward has gone out.


If you've got questions about the rules or setting, or just want to discuss this game with other fans (as well as the Onyx Path writers and developers!), you can check out these Onyx Path discussion zones:


If you've got a question about your pledge or BackerKit page or any part of the process, you can contact me with any of these methods

  • Via E-Mail: Onyx.Kickstarter [at]
  • Via Kickstarter: Click Richard Thomas under the "Created By" heading on the main page, and then press the "Contact Me" button - the message will come to me!
  • Via BackerKit: Click "Need Help?" from your page, and then fill in the Contact Us form. BackerKit will pass your message along to me.


Launching tomorrow! Click here and sign up to be notified when it goes live!

Onyx Path has confirmed the name of the next game in the They Came From… series: They Came from the RPG Anthology! This one’s a little different than the rest though, and the clue’s in the title. This newest They Came From… isn’t another single genre piece, but a compilation of multiple genres, spanning the big screen, the small screen, the stage, and possibly even more besides!

Why “possibly”? Well, when our Kickstarter campaign launches, one of the first things you’ll likely read about is the polls we’ll be running throughout its duration. Every Monday another poll, and every poll adding a new genre to the book. They Came from the RPG Anthology! already includes:

  • They Came from Cowboy’s Gulch! (Westerns)
  • They Came from the Mean Streets! (Noir)
  • They Came from Bridgton Rectory! (Costume Dramas)
  • They Came from the Interstellar Starship! (Space Opera)
  • They Came from the Bard’s Quill! (Shakespearean Plays)

But we’ll be adding a further four chapters (at least) to this book from a selection of options you get to vote on!

That’s not all though. They Came From the RPG Anthology! provides two new system offerings for our loyal audiences:

  • The Quick Play System is a condensed, streamlined, and – as the name implies – quick system you can use for all your games of They Came From! So if you find the current system too complex for your games, you’ll enjoy this slimline version of character creation and the accompanying rules.
  • The Storypath Ultra System is the updated version of our existing Storypath System present in games such as They Came from Beneath the Sea!, Trinity Continuum, Scion, and Dystopia Rising: Evolution, and They Came From the RPG Anthology! is the first place you’ll find it in print! So if you’re interested in the future of Storypath, this is the campaign to back.

As always we’ll have a wide range of backer levels and stretch goals, so we hope you get involved with our campaign! See you tomorrow at 2:00 PM Eastern Time!


April '23 Update - Regular Check In, Final Hours for the TCPG
over 1 year ago – Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 07:04:08 AM

Hello Aethernauts,

Not big news this month, but I wanted to get the update out to you a week or so early because we've got just a few hours left on our latest crowdfunding campaign and I wanted to make sure you didn't miss out!

Trinity Continuum Player's Guide

Before I get to our monthly chart, I just wanna highlight our current crowdfunding campaign, which is in the FINAL HOURS!

Final Hours to back this project!

With just hours left, we've not only funded the book, but unlocked every Stretch Goal target for the campaign. So, at this point, I'm not looking for more backers to help us unlock any additional rewards.

BUT, after every campaign, I get a few dozen e-mails from fans who *just* missed it and are disappointed that they'll miss out on the draft manuscript or the bonus rewards. So I'm noting this one final time to ensure that this one hasn't sneaked past you.

Despite focusing on the contemporary Trinity Continuum, this book contains options rules (covering bits like momentum spends, static defense, and path advancement), new Gifts and Edges for Talents of any era, artifacts, vehicles, equipment, rules and structure for chases, conspiracies, and investigations, as well as guidelines for time travel, dimensional crossovers, planetary hopping and more) so you are certainly able to adapt bits from the book for your TC: Adventure!, TC: Aether, TC: Anima games.

OK, that's it. One final notice inviting you to join in if you haven't already. At this point, backers are able to read the entire draft manuscript, so you could be using these rules and systems in your game today, if you back now!



I'll be including a link back to the draft manuscripts in these updates because it'll be a while before we get our Backer PDF version and in the meantime I'm sure some will misplace any downloaded copies. I'll keep this bit here in future updates until our backer PDFs go out.


Our Audio drama is moving forward, now in development!


If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at


You can read Onyx Path's most recent monthly summary, covering all projects and their status up to that point here: <March 2023 Project Status Summary>

You can find the weekly Monday Meeting blog updates <here>, which note any projects with status changes since the previous Month End summary. The project statuses listed are current as of last Monday, so do check it out each Monday night to see if anything may have progressed!

I will continue to post regular updates every month until the final Stretch Goal reward has gone out.


If you've got questions about the rules or setting, or just want to discuss this game with other fans (as well as the Onyx Path writers and developers!), you can check out these Onyx Path discussion zones:


If you've got a question about your pledge or BackerKit page or any part of the process, you can contact me with any of these methods

  • Via E-Mail: Onyx.Kickstarter [at]
  • Via Kickstarter: Click Richard Thomas under the "Created By" heading on the main page, and then press the "Contact Me" button - the message will come to me!
  • Via BackerKit: Click "Need Help?" from your page, and then fill in the Contact Us form. BackerKit will pass your message along to me.